I’ve gotten my final schedule for Boskone, Feb 14-16! I’m moderating one panel, serving on three others, and offering a reading on Saturday afternoon.
Start Time Title
Fri 2:30 PM Biology in SF/F
Sat 10:00 AM SF and Totalitarianism
Sat 11:30 AM Genetic Engineering (mod)
Sat 5:30 PM Reading: Steven D. Brewer
Sun 10:00 AM Fantasy Beyond Swords and Sorcery
There are a lot of great people on the panels with me. It should be a lot of fun!
We didn’t get a table in the dealer room this year and so, since I’ll otherwise be at liberty, I’ve decided to organize a fan table for SFWA. It will be in the Galleria (along with the dealer room) so stop by to say hi!