At one time, an author might be able to focus on writing and let their publisher handle publicity. Now, an author is functionally expected to build and maintain a personal brand to attract readers independently of the publisher. This requires some avenue of providing information about your work and yourself that you can use to reach readers. Setting up an author website is the way to go.

There are a number of options to provide a channel of information. Some are “free”. You can use a social media platform (like Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn). Some are commercial platforms that you can use to restrict some or all of your content to paying customers (like Substack or Patreon). I however am primarily here to talk about another way: building an independent channel of information that you own, control, and can easily take with you.

The real problem with both the “free” and platform solutions is that letting a corporation stand between you and the public is that, ultimately, the service risks becoming (or has already been) enshittified. By positioning themselves between you and your public, their incentives are diametrically opposed to yours. Facebook makes its money by hiding your posts from your “friends” — unless you pay them. (The Oatmeal concisely illustrated this in his comic Reaching People on the Internet).

Today I’m going to describe my approach which has three basic components: purchase your own domain name, contract with a hosting service, and use a content management system. This ensures that you can reliably create your own information channel that is reliable, portable, and under own control. I am going to describe how I used Dreamhost to register a domain name and provide a hosting service that I configured to use the WordPress content management system (maintained by the hosting service).

Before actually setting anything up, it’s worth considering what information you intend to share and how it should be organized and managed. It’s worth looking at a number of other authors’ sites to see what information they provide and how they organize it. As an author, I want to share information about myself with a publicity photo photo, a biography, my current books, and contact information. Then I want to provide a feed of news about my writing activities: my upcoming events, new books, thoughts on writing, etc.

I use the Dreamhost hosting service. I selected it in 2007, so I’ve been using it for nearly 20 years. I’ve been very happy with it. I have one of the least expensive plans that I’ve shared with other people in my family. There are many more expensive plans, but as long as there is a relative trickle of interest in me, it’s plenty. If I felt that I needed more performance, I could upgrade to higher level services, that are still reasonably priced. But I generally haven’t felt the need.

With most of the plans, you get the first domain name included as part of the service. You mostly want to avoid a domain name that is going to conflict with some well-known service. I was able to get ““. It used to be that people were unfamiliar with top-level-domains other than .com. Nowadays, people hardly seem to notice. (If Eritrea ever sells domain names, I would love to get “”. Every so often I check.) If the .com is already taken, I might look for a different name altogether in order to not be confused with the other entity. I would set your domain name to automatically renew.

Once you’ve registered your domain name, you can set up an email address and a website. As part of the website configuration with Dreamhost, you can have them install and maintain WordPress for you. I would strongly encourage this solution. Maintaining a content management system can be complicated and fraught. Using their solution will make you safer from hackers and save you a lot of unnecessary work.

There are vast number of additional services you can access via the hosting service. You can set up distribution and discussion email lists. (I actually am using for my newsletter, which I’ll discuss later.) As I mentioned previously, you can purchase higher levels of webservice, including “dreampress” and “vps” both of which reduce the likelihood of your site becoming unresponsive if many people visit it all at once (i.e. it gets “slashdotted”). I haven’t personally felt the need to purchase this. One useful additional service is to add a txt record to your domain name service for your domain name, which allows you use your domain name as your “handle” in the bluesky service, which offers a form of “verification.”

Once your domain name has propagated and you have WordPress running, you can start setting up your site. There is “dashboard” page visible at a magic-url: add wp-admin after the domain name and you’ll be able to log into your site. From the dashboard, you can find links to configure and manage the entire site. There are a lot of settings to add information and control functionality. There are plugins you can add to add functionality. And you can choose what theme you want for the site.

The settings are accessible in the dashboard. The dashboard itself offers a health check, to ensure everything about the site is configured correctly. Most of the settings are in the sidebar. Under Settings: General, you can set all of the basic info for the site. As you install plugins, their settings will appear here as well.

I use several plugins for additional functionality. I use a paid license for Akismet to filter spam comments that get added to the site. I use WPForms Lite plugin to have a contact form (and can add other forms as necessary). I use the Super WP Cache plugin to improve performance. I installed the Open Graph plugin to improve metadata when I post links at social media sites. And I have two Mastodon plugins: Include Mastodon Feed, which let’s me show my most recent posts in the sidebar and Simple Mastodon Verification that adds the tiny snippet of HTML to my site for my website to be “verified” in Mastodon. Several plugins came along with the theme I selected.

Dreamhost offers a number of advanced themes as part of their install package. I picked “Crio” which is a BoldGrid theme. But there are a vast number of other themes to choose from. I wanted one that offered a list of social media links, a menu of “pages” along the top, and then a feed of news articles.

The page of a theme has a number of regions that can be configured independently. Generally you add content to the regions by installing “widgets.” The Header contains the title of the site (my name) and a “tagline”. The Footer only contains my copyright info. I have a sidebar that I have show up on all pages that provide information I would like people to have accessible to advertise other content on my site that people might be interested in. The body of the site either displays a list of recent posts or the body of either a post or page. It’s worth creating a graphic identity for your site as “favicon” that will show up when people bookmark your page.

From the dashboard you can create pages and posts. I don’t like the default editor to add content, so I use a much more basic one. You can choose the editor you like best. As you post articles you can also add supporting imagery and media to complement your writing. It’s a good idea to have a picture to complement every article.

Once your site is up and running, you might want to publicize your site and posts using social media. I generally craft these posts by hand, but you can use services, like to automatically share links to your posts to various services, including via an email newsletter. I primarily use to manage an email list. People can subscribe to the list using a form on my blog. It’s possible to manage the list entirely using Dreamhost, but I’ve been using which makes it a little easier.

Building an email list “newsletter” is probably the most important tool for maintaining an audience for your work. I hate this, but it’s probably true. Using, I can tag certain of my posts to be automatically be sent out via email each month.

In the end, by sharing my hosting service with my brother, I’m spending around $200/year for both Dreamhost and This seems to me to be a reasonable expense to support my author publicity work. That’s about the same as a cup of coffee out per week.

At the 2024 Nebulas convention, I attended of the very last sessions, Planning Your Own Publicity Campaign presented by KC Grifant, Jaye Viner, Eva Elasigue, and Robyn Dabney. It was a great presentation but, as I said in my earlier post about the Nebulas, I didn’t feel like there was a whole lot here that was new to me. It was still nice to know that I wasn’t missing anything obvious. Since I took relatively detailed notes, I thought I’d summarize them here.

The first question for the panel related to the timeline for planning a publicity campaign. Aim to start at least a year out: establish an online presence for yourself: set up a website, start a newsletter, identify people to help and support your campaign, and make a plan. Three to six months out, you should start trying to schedule in-person events (readings, book signings, etc.) You can find a lot of resources on the internet about running a book launch and you should educate yourself. And make sure to have fun.

Another question asked what can you expect your publisher to do. The short answer, of course, is doodlysquat. In the past, trad-pub’ed authors could expect a publisher to mount a publicity campaign for you, but that’s pretty rare now. Small presses mostly don’t have the resources to do very much. They might contact some of the higher-tier trade reviews and provide ARCs, but you mostly have to do the rest. Reviews are critical. The panels suggested reaching out to book bloggers, bookstagrammers, and booktokkers and the like: familiarize yourself with their work to make sure they review stuff like yours, politely send a message with an ARC, and don’t follow-up or expect a response.

Several people talked about planning joint events with other authors, which can increase the draw for readings and signings.

Most panelists agreed that your local indy bookstore is, after your publisher, the most important relationship to foster. They are generally supportive of genre fiction and can help you organize a launch event. Local libraries can also be effective partners.

The moderator asked how people spent money in support of their campaign. Few panelists found advertising to be very effective. It’s an artform and requires a lot of expertise to pull it off effectively. This is consistent with my experience as well. One mentioned boosting some posts at Facebook for $15. But swag was a popular thing to spend some money on: stickers, bookmarks, and other promotional materials. And events: conferences, conventions and, in particular, local comicons, which would often have an “authors alley” where you sell books and meet with fans.

One potential way to spend money is to hire publicist. Nobody on the panel had worked with one. One suggested that they tended to be outrageously expensive (e.g. a $10k monthly minimum).

They mentioned some expenses that didn’t really sound like “publicity” to me. One mentioned the importance to a cover when selling on the internet and not cheap out. Also it might be worth paying for a developmental editor to help sharpen your story. Or line editing. These are definitely important, but seem like they should be part of the publishing process. But perhaps important to remember for self-publishers.

They finally offered a few closing thoughts: Don’t try to do everything. Go for it, but remember to be happy with your book. And, finally, always be writing the next thing.