I attended Boskone before I started publishing science fiction and I was impressed by the number of authors I recognized. I’ve attended the last two years and it still hasn’t lost that magic. And being able to rub shoulders now as an author myself is a lot of fun. I was particularly looking forward to setting up a fan table for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) and meeting SFWA members that I expected would drop by.
I like to arrive the night before so I can get a good night’s sleep and have plenty of time to find everything to get ready beforehand. But this year, there was a storm the day before and some work events conflicted with getting an early start. So we decided to wait and just drive over on the morning of the convention.
When we arrived, I visited the area where registration would be. There was one person there and I was gratified that they recognized my name. We confirmed when registration would open and where the fan tables were.
After we checked in, we went back to the car and, on the way, found that the galleria was already open. Once we’d put our stuff in the room, I went back and set up the SFWA Fan Table. I had received the necessary supplies just two days before: A banner, tablerunners, an ARCH D sized posterboard, two kinds of flyers, and rack cards.
It took less than an hour to get setup. I commented that it was WAY less work than setting up a dealer table. When I set up the tables for Water Dragon Publishing and Small Publishing in a Big Universe at Readercon, we had more than 70 titles to unbox, organize, and set up on book stands. By comparison, this was a snap.
Then I just hung out at the table.

I had some other events scheduled. I moderated a panel, served on three panels, and had a reading. They were all excellent. Well, all except the reading: Nobody came to my reading. I got my books out with cards and stickers and ribbons and ‘zines. But nobody came. I sat there for a half hour, then packed everything up and went on with the con. That’s how it is when you’re a nobody.
My younger son came with me and helped cover the fan table when I couldn’t be there. He made a point of telling people that he was not a SFWA member, but was eligible to be an associate member. He said that people told him nice things about me, which made me feel good.
I got to meet a lot of SFWA folks. Some current board members, former board members, and former officers stopped by. And a goodly number of members. I also got to explain SFWA to a bunch of new people. I don’t know how many new members we might get. But, personally, just getting to meet a bunch of people, was a big win for me.
We had been watching the weather and had considered staying another night in the event it looked bad. Originally, it looked like it might be a big snow event. But then it looked like it might just be rain. Then it looked like it might be icy. So we packed up a little early to drive during the warmest part of the afternoon. In the end, it was just rainy on the MassPike, but there had been a lot of snow at our house. We had no problem getting home, but I was a bit daunted to pull the car into the 8 inches of snow on the driveway. But I was able to park. Getting the car out may be another matter.
First time Boskone attendee this year. I have to admit, I find sitting at a table for a reading to be intimidating. It makes me feel like I’m supposed to be contributing (which some could argue, you are by being a reader) but I feel like I’d more likely attend readings if they were held in a room that is set up like a panel room. The clear demarcation between reader/panelist and audience is important to me and my introversion.
All those words to say, I’m sorry no one attended. There may have been interested parties who were just too shy to make an appearance because the format is kinda intimidating.
However, now that I’ve found you (Bluesy browsing the Boskone tag) I’m off to check out your books!
I tend to be painfully introverted in an unstructured environment (like where you’re supposed to just wander around and meet people) but give me a role and I do just fine. I’ve called it Reverse Imposter Syndrome.
It was weird to just be sitting at a table reading to people. Or it would have been weird if I’d gotten to do it. At Boskone, when I read previously, it was set up with a microphone and the audience in rows. At other cons, they frequently group a panel of readers together, so you’re more likely to get the sum of the audiences that each author individually might draw.
It’s always interesting to try new things. Unfortunately, having no-one show up for a reading or presentation is not a new thing for me. But that’s just how it goes sometimes.